Acupuncture is believed to have originated in China around 3,000 years ago. In acupuncture, hair fine, disposable needles are used to treat points on the body that are along electro-magnetic energy pathways (meridians) in order to re-establish balance and to prevent and treat symptoms.The Chinese learned to diagnose the patient from external clues derived through tongue and pulse, abdominal palpation, face reading, as well as information given by the patient. In acupuncture, the body is treated as a whole (holistic), to address imbalances. The body's immune system is stimulated to heal itself naturally without side effects. Acupuncture is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is popular in many countries around the world. Most patients are able to have the benefit of deep relaxation and well being from acupuncture treatment.


The patient lies on his/her back and the pulse is taken, the tongue is examined and the belly is palpated gently for tightness, tenderness and/or guardedness to elicit information about what imbalance needs to be treated. When hair fine needles are gently inserted into acupuncture points, the electromagnetic field of the body is being stimulated and the patient may or may not feel tingling, heat, heaviness, mild achiness and/or electrical sensations at the insertion site or elsewhere. Some people feel a lot of sensations while others feel very little or nothing. Acupuncture is generally a positive and pleasant experience. If there is a mild achiness it goes away in a minute or two.Kellie typically treats both sides of the body. After the needles on the front of the body are inserted the patient may be left alone for 10-20 minutes. Many people get very relaxed in this time which helps the body to be more receptive to treatment and can be beneficial for stress reduction.The points in the back and neck and shoulders are often heated with a traditional herbal heat called moxa or moxibustion which is very pleasant and relaxing as well as helpful for strengthening the body and moving pain and stiffness.Kellie treats one patient at a time, giving that patient full attention. Some practioners have 2 or more rooms going at the same time.The initial visit is 75-90 minutes. The initial visit includes the intake and health history as well as a full treatment.Follow-up visits are one hour.It is good, but not necessary to wear loose, comfortable clothing. There are blankets available and privacy to prepare if you are not dressed in this way.It is best one hour before and after acupuncture to be moderate. i.e. to not come on an empty or overly full stomach and not to do excessive exercise.For most patients, treatment is once a week when addressing a specific symptom. If acupuncture is going to help in a significant way, the patient should see a significant shift within 3-4 visits.Some people use acupuncture the way they would a massage for a special treat to themselves, for stress reduction and a sense of overall well-being. Those come in occasionally as their schedule/budget allows. Back to top


Suction cups are often used on the back as an accompaniment to acupuncture treatment. Cups can be left sitting on an area or sliding cups can be done with a little oil, sometimes accompanied with essential oils particular to the patients needs. Many people like cupping a lot and it can be very good for health, keeping an open flow of qi along the spine and sacrum. Cupping can be very helpful for stiffiness as well as pain from injuries. Back to top


Essential oils were actually practiced in ancient China. Kellie has studied essential oils from a Chinese medicine perspective and so will apply or recommend them with the patients particular imbalance in mind. Essential oils can be placed on acupuncture points or areas of the body, diffused, used in skin care, used in the bath or shower, used as a personal scent, or taken internally under supervision. One advantage is that the patient could accompany acupuncture treatment by employing essential oils at home between visits. Essential oils can be quite transforming and patients tend to be drawn to them. Kellie will often place a calming essential oil that the patient likes, on a cotton ball to accompany treatment. Back to top


Gemstones have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Like essential oils, Kellie often uses gemstones from a Chinese medicine standpoint as taught by Jeffrey Yuen, her Taoist teacher. In treatment, gemstones can be placed on the body, used in elixirs, crushed and used in poultices, worn as jewelry, used above the body in energy healing or placed in certain areas of the house for feng shui purposes or to help enhance certain qualities in the home or inhabitant. Kellie does not usually use the gemstones at the same time as acupuncture as she might do with essential oils, but may recommend certain stones or make up an elixir to be taken at home.

Gemstones are considered to be a branch of Chinese herbal medicine. Formulas of stones in liquid can be made up to take as a substitute for the more well known herbal formulas. The water that the stones have been sitting in is what is ingested, not the stones themselves. Back to top


Moxabustion is the practice of using moxa, an herbal heat therapy from the herb Artemis Vulgaris. Moxabustion has been used in Chinese Medicine alongside acupuncture or on its own since ancient times. There are many different forms of moxa and some can be practiced at home. Moxa has smokeless forms available, which are what many acupuncture clinics use today. There are traditional acupuncture points about an inch on either side of the spine, call shu points, that ancient texts recommend moxa for, so Kellie usually uses the herb on some of those points along with needles. Most patients like moxa because it can feel very pleasant and relaxing, even in warm weather. It has medicinal benefit as well, is used to strengthen internal organ function and is really helpful in opening stiff and/or painful areas. Back to top